miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2015


Franco Bertinelli
Juan Pablo Sepulveda

F: Are you listening to what the boy is saying?
JP: Yes, I´m paying atention for all that he´s saying. He´s wrong.
F: I agree, cause women have to take care about the little boys.
J: I don´t think so, women must have the same opportunities to work than they married have.
F: Women would take advantage staying with they childs, and teach they what is good and wrong.
J: I am don´t think this, because is not correct that women take all the care about childrens, men also can do it.
F: I like how women nurse and protect childrens
J: Some times men can stay at his home doing that domestic works, not everything women.
F: Women have to stay at home and men must to go work and maintain the family, his son or daugther  and wife.
J: I don´t think so, because women are all equal than men.
F: I think that men are better people to work that women.

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